Speeding is a major issues across our entire City. It is an issues that comes up time and time again.
Here in St Michael's ward we have taken concrete steps to tackle speeding.
- New 20mph zones near all schools in the ward
- Regular Speed Surveys to measure speeding
- New speed bumps on Tunstall Vale
- Vehicle Activated Signs moving around the speeding hotspots on our streets
- Essen Way now sees the Police Speed Camera Van more regularly thanks to our campaigning
But there is still more to do.
We are still campaigning to tackle speeding on major key roads in our area and many residents are thankful that we are working on their priorities.
I know Lyall is doing his best to tackle speeding, he always keeps in touch with us and updates us on how his fight with the Council is going to make our roads safer. I know he was hit by a car on Stannington Grove when he was a kid so I can see that he really cares about making our roads safer
- James, resident on Queen Alexandra Road