Hill View School Children to Design Hill View Planters
Cllr Lyall Reed had two brand new flower planters installed in Hill View: On Stannington Grove and Helvellyn Road. Lyall asked local residents what they wanted to see designed on the planters and one resident said she thought it would be nice if school children designed them.
Well that is exactly what Cllr Reed has arranged!
Working with Hill View Infants and Hill View Junior schools, the children will design, paint and draw the designs they want to see decorate these flower planters in their community.
This is a great way to try and make local children feel like they are a part of a community here, that they should take pride in our area. I look forward to seeing all the entries and for the final design to be on the new planters!
- Cllr Lyall Reed, Councillor for St Michael's Ward